Midgard Sojourn

What would you do if somebody kidnapped your student?

Location: Aman'Thul, Philippines

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

An Alice Story: Chapter 2

Alice was cleaning her mistress' apartment when she heard women screaming, followed shortly after by the sound of thumping footsteps as Sofija ran out to see what's going on.

"Thank you Alice", said Sofija as she put on the dressing robe Alice handed to her. Alice followed her mistress out the door.

Outside, there was a group of women milling about, covering their eyes. At the center of their attention was Six of Seven, naked, except for the newspaper he had fetched from the corner merchant. He wasn't even using it to cover himself. Sofija took off her dressing robe that Alice had handed her earlier and covered Six of Seven with it.

Wah! We must be a sight to see, thought Sofija, me in my sleeping gown and Poring slippers and Six in all his glory. It's a good thing Alice still looks decent. Oh my goodness! That's my landlady, Mme. Josephine Fabre!

"Six, go back into the apartment", Sofija commanded. Six of Seven complied without question.

"Uh.... good morning, Tantine Josphine", Sofija didn't know what to say. Aunt Josephine wasn't just her landlady, she was also her godmother, a good friend of her mother.

Aunt Josephine seems to be looking at something behind her before she felt a poke in her back. Judging from the other ladies' curious or scandalized expressions, Sofija assumed it wasn't the monster she wished to come and swallow her whole. She turned around to see Alice handing her another dressing robe, which Sofija put on quickly.

"At least someone in your menagerie has some sense. I think we should have a little talk later, Sofija, when you've come back home from work."

Waves of cold sweat rolled down Sofija's back as she rushed back into the apartment to get ready for work. Meanwhile, Six of Seven is still wearing her dressing robe. It definitely isn't his color.

"Alice, you take care of the house and Six while I'm away. And get Six to wear something more suitable!"

Sometimes Sofija wished that who ever filled Six's head with information, filled it with common sense instead. Six of Seven is as smart as the average person but there are so many gaps in his understanding of the world. He can read and write and perform intermediate mathematics but he could just barely comprehend anything beyond face value.

Alice was godsend this passed month. Often, Sofija didn't know what to do with Six of Seven during the hours she was away before Alice came into her life. There were many times Sofija would come home and discover that Six of Seven was gone and she would spend an hour or so looking before she finds him walking around with a large load of medicinal herbs, among other things, in his backpack. Six of Seven stopped doing that shortly before Alice came around. Now he comes home earlier than Sofija so that all Sofija had to do was to put away the harvest Six of Seven has brought home. And answer his questions about the things he has read in the newspapers.

At least now Sofija can depend on Alice to .... Oh my goodness, I forgot to feed her last night. She must be starving! Some master I turn out to be, thought Sofija.

Sofiya quickly finished her morning routine and put on her uniform before rushing to the living room to feed Alice. Alice gave Sofiya a thankful look through her hunger-glazed eyes.

"All systems back to full operating capacity, mistress."

"Sorry about that Alice", said Sofija.

Then Alice handed her her lunch bag and a cup of freshly brewed Morroc coffee and a banana. Sofija was touched by the gesture. Alice had prepared her day's meal even though Alice herself was already very hungry. Sofiya drank the coffee deeply.

"Thank you very much Alice."

"Have a nice day, mistress. Be careful."

"You too, Alice. Take care of yourself and Six". And out Sofija went.

Alice looked at Six of Seven and said, "Mistress Sofija's robe doesn't fit you, why don't you go and change into your own clothes and come back for some breakfast".

Six of Seven looked at himself and said, "I forgot to wear my clothes this morning".

Alice could only roll her eyes.

Meanwhile, Sofija was eating her banana on the "L", Geffen's Levitated Ride Transit. It is only a short ride to Fermier's Preparatory Academy, a school catering to the upper class of Geffen's society. She had been teaching mathematics and sciences to the children of the wealthy and the nobles of Geffen for over 5 years.

It had been more than five years since she "retired" from wizardry. She had travelled all over his majesty, King Tristram III's kingdom, from Comodo to Alberta to even the monastery, St. Capitolina Abbey, northeast of Protera and she had taken many jobs from magical pest control to human mobile artillery for his majesty's army. She had been everywhere except Glast Heim, where her mother died.

Every since Alice arrived, Sofija had been constantly thinking of her mother. Alice is a rare name in Geffen and the fact that her Alice seems to have a selfless regard for Sofiya's well being, Sofiya can't help but be reminded of her mother. Sofija felt her eyes begin to moisten.

Sofija wiped her eyes as she stepped off the L at the West C2 Station. The Prep school, as the students called it, was near Geffen Tower at the center of Geffen. She quickly placed her things into her locker then headed for her class.

"Shhhhh! Mlle. Épouvantail, Miss Scarecrow is coming!"

Sofija winced. She hated that nickname.

Outside the door of her first class, Sofija took a deep breath and composed herself. Mlle. Épouvantail, the terror of Fermier's Preparatory Academy, entered the classroom.

"Good morning class", Sofija greeted the students.

"Good morning, Mlle. Verte", replied the students.


It is now mid-afternoon and Alice had finished all of her housechores. Six of Seven, meanwhile, had brought in the day's laundry. Six of Seven was a quick study with the household chores, all he needed was some instructions. Granted that he had once forgotten to put soap into the laundry water and granted that he keeps forgetting to sort out his clothes from Sofiya's clothes, Alice had found Six of Seven very helpful.

Alice hated having nothing to do. Her system will go into hibernation mode after a while and then the images start coming. Like images of being chopped to pieces or exploded to pieces and then being reconstituted again by the wild magical energies of Glast Heim. But she didn't mind those images. She didn't mind it even when she was still in Glast Heim experiencing it. Sometimes she even welcomed the times she was physically destroyed because her mind will go into the haze of the wild magic and she will be free of the psychic numbness of existence for a little while.

It was the other images Alice didn't want to see. The innocuous ones that featured children, 3 boys and 3 girls, and a man. There was nothing special about these images but Alice always feels an intense sense of loss about them. And of longing. Longing for what? She doesn't remember anything about those children or that man. She can only feel emptiness because of them. A throbbing pulse in her head told her that hibernation mode will occur if she has nothing better to do.

"Why don't we visit Mistress Sofija at her work today, Six", Alice asked.

Six of Seven pursed his lips to think and replied "Yes Alice, I want to visit Mistress Sofija at her work today".

Alice's hibernation mode was postponed. Alice always prefered hibernating at night anyway and oh my goodness, "SIX! DON'T GO OUT YET! Wear something presentable."


Blogger Grey Colored Glasses said...

At this point, dear readers, I must warn you that I will start including "modern" things that never existed in medieval times into the story. Part of this is because I feel that just because it is a fantasy doesn't mean that they didn't advance socially or economcally beyond the feudal state for which medieval times are known. Another part is that I never saw "magic" as mystical. I've always subscribed to the notion that "magic" and "technology" are the same thing. This will become more evident when I find the time to write Soliman's and ChengDu's story or maybe the later chapters in this story. We shall try to go to Warp 4 as soon as possible. Engage Mr. Writer! :)

2:13 PM  

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